Saturday, December 15, 2012

Holiday Gift Exchange

We had a wonderful time celebrating the holidays together, and we missed everyone who wasn't able to join us that evening.  We enjoyed welcoming two collegians from Delta Rho Chapter and two new members to our alumnae chapter!
We were thrilled that so many sisters were able to join us during the holiday season! 

Gayle couldn't attend but dropped off these fancy desserts from a Danish bakery that we enjoyed.  Thanks, Gayle!! 

We had to get creative with seating to fit everyone for the business meeting portion of our evening. 

 Front Row: Patti, Ellen, Jessie W-G, and Jessie C.
Back Row: Debby, Jan, and Cat

 Jenna, Ogechi, Jessie, and Kristen
We were thrilled that Jenna and Ogechi (Delta Rho Collegians) were home on break and could join us.  They were impressed with how fun our business meeting are!

Foundation Board Secretary and CWS member, Jessie W-G,
gave us an update on wonderful Foundation news!  

Everyone brought wonderful gifts for the gift exchange and went home happy with something fun! 

We now have three Jessies!!
Jessie W-G, Jessie C., and Jessie K. 

Kristen demonstrating ways to wear the scarf she brought for the gift exchange. 

Throwing what we know!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WTTW11 Pledge Drive with Rick Steves

Some of our sisters (and husbands) volunteered at WTTW Ch.11 in Chicago on December 3, 2012.  They're doing a pledge drive, so we answered phones and took pledges.  It was a long, late, interesting, and  fun evening volunteering while travel guru Rick Steves was the on-air entertainment!  Thank you to all of our sisters, family, and friends who watched the telethon, pledged, posted on facebook in real-time, and shared our enthusiasm for such a fun philanthropic project!  A big "thank you" goes to Vicky for organizing the event and ordering our new t-shirts!!

Marcie, Chris, Vicky, and Fran 

Amy and Ann 

Anna and her husband, John 


Jingle Bell Run 2012

Several of our sisters participated in and volunteered at the Jingle Bell Run on December 1, 2012 in Wheaton.  We had a wonderful time serving the Arthritis Foundation on a unseasonable warm and sunny day!  Thank you to everyone who supported us with their donations.  So far we've raise $875 for the Arthritis Foundation!!  There's still time to donate.  If you're interested in making a donations, please click here.

We ran/walked, coordinated volunteers, passed out goodie bags, and helped out with anything else that was needed.  One person asked, "Is AOII sponsoring this event?"  We definitely had a presence that day!

Judie and Natalie R. 

Cat and her family 

Debby, Anna, and Dina