Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Collegiate Craft Night

In October, we met at Julie's home to learn about the National Panhellenic Conference from our sister and NPC Foundation President, Janet.  We also made keychains for our adopted collegiate chapter's new members.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thursday, October 5, 2017

What We're Reading in October and November 2017

Our book club is reading this Agatha Christie masterpiece throughout October and November.  On November 19, we're getting together at Studio Movie Grill in Wheaton to see the new movie.  All sisters are welcome to join us!

October Meeting Invitation

Please join us on October 19 at 7:00P.M. in Wheaton for a fun evening making goodies for our Illinois collegiate sisters.  

October Book Club

We had a fun evening discussing The Witch of Lime Street!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

AOII Night Out

All AOIIs are encouraged to gather and celebrate friendship and our AOII sisterhood!  The idea of AOII Night Out is simple - Grab a sister, and do something fun!  Grab a cup of coffee, have dinner, watch a movie, go to an alumnae chapter event, go shopping, have a play date with your kids, watch a football game, go for a run, do yoga, get a pedicure, etc.  DO anything...Just do it with a sister, and have fun!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Strike Our Arthritis Luncheon and Raffle

Please join us as we Strike Out Arthritis together!  Details will be posted on our Philanthropy and Fundraising page as they become available.

What We're Reading in September 2017

This month, we're reading The Witch of Lime Street by David Jaher.  
We'll meet on October 4 to discuss it, and all sisters are invited!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Invitation for September Appetizer Night

All sisters are invited to join us at our very first meeting of the year on September 21 at Natalie R.'s home in Aurora.  It's Appetizer Night!  Please contact us for more details.

2017 Nut Sale

Our annual nut sale is underway!  You can find the order form here.  We added three new products this year - Smoked Pecans, Wasabi Almonds, and Chipotle Mixed Nuts.  We will have samples of these at our September meeting, so make sure you're there to try the goodies.  Order forms are due at our meeting on October 19.

Also new this year, we added an option to purchase nuts and have them delivered to the Yorkfield Food Pantry in Elmhurst.  They plan to hand out the nuts and chocolates as special holiday bonus items to people who come to them in need.  This is a great way to support our chapter and do something good for the community, too!   

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

What We're Reading in August

Our book club is currently reading this fun story.  We'll meet on September 11 to discuss it.  If you'd like more information, please contact us.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

2017 Scholarship

Congratulations to Annie W. of Epsilon Sigma Chapter who is the recipient of our 2017 Scholarship! Annie is double-majoring in Communications, Music Production and Business Management.  She is a sophomore who served as the Recruitment Chair and is now the Chapter President.  Her hope for AOII is to "help the Chapter as well as every single individual member in it to realize and unlock their full potential."  She has been instrumental to the growth of the Chapter and LC. 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ladies Night Out

We had a fun evening at Uncle Julio's in Lombard on May 18th!

We love the chocolate piƱata!

Tonight happened to also be the anniversary of Elisa, Chris, Jen, and Lori's college graduation from the University of Illinois.

Spenga Sisterhood Event

Thank you to Spenga in Downers Grove!  Not only did they donate to our Strike Out event, but they offered our group a free class to try it out!  Thank you to our members who came out to our sisterhood event on May 7, 2017.  We all lived to tell about it!

Strike Out Arthritis Brunch and Raffle

Thank you to everyone that attended our very first Strike Out Arthritis Brunch and Raffle on April 29, 2017, at Hopvine Brewing Company in Aurora.  It was a huge success!  Special thanks go to Natalie R. and her committee that organized the event as well as all of the sisters who donated basket items.

Jessie W.-G. shared wonderful information about AOII's partnership with the Arthritis Foundation.

Lisa and Vicky

Debby and Patti 

Our Chicago Northwest Suburban AC sisters won lots of goodies!

Tracy was "all in" for this gorgeous stained glass rose!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

April Ritual and Dessert

We installed our new officers during a lovely Ritual and shared yummy desserts at the lovely home of Amy McSwane.

Vicky asking sisters to continue collecting empty pill bottles.

Our sister spotlight shines on Natalie Rupert for all of the wonderful things she does for our chapter, offices she holds as well as planning our very first Strike Our Brunch!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

April Meeting Invitation

We will meet on Thursday, April 20 at 7:00P.M. at Amy's house in Bartlett for Ritual and Dessert. All sisters are welcome to join us, even if you have not participated in Ritual for years.  We will help you!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Strike Out Arthritis Brunch and Raffle

We are excited to Strike Out Arthritis by hosting a special brunch and raffle on April 29, 2017.  Please look under the Philanthropy & Fundraising tab for more information.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Holiday Gift Exchange

Our December Holiday Gift Exchange at Lori A.'s home was a hit!   

Our president, Sharon, opening her gift.

Our sister, Judy, painted this beautiful gourd!  Debby was the lucky winner!

2016 Jingle Bell Run

In December, we participated in our local Jingle Bell Run with sisters from Lake County and Chicago South Suburban Alumnae Chapters.  The weather was chilly but seasonably mild which made for a lovely event to support the Arthritis Foundation.

Vicky hosted a tailgate party afterward with her yummy hot cider, finger sandwiches, and snacks.  Thank you, Vicky!

Scarf-Making Sisterhood Event

In December we went to Lori T.'s home to make one-of-a-kind silk scarves.  We had such a great time watching everyone choose their colors and designs.
For more information on Silk Avenue Scarves, click here.


Cards for Soldiers

In November, we met at Debby's house to write holiday cards for our military.  We've done this for several years and enjoy spreading holiday cheer to our soldiers who protect our country.  

AOII Night Out

In October, our fabulous Sisterhood Chair, Lori T., organized a night out for our sisters at Maggiano's.  What a fun night!

Volunteering at PADS

In October, Michele, Judy, Kathy, and Dina helped serve dinner at one of our local PADS warming shelters.  For more information about PADS, click here.