Thursday, August 30, 2012

Upcoming September Meeting

It's that time of year again...children are returning to school, recruitment is beginning at many colleges, and it is time for us to gather again after our summer break.  Our first meeting will be at 7pm on September 20, 2012 at Natalie's home in Aurora.  Once again this will be our appetizer night, so pull out your favorite recipe or stop by your favorite shop and bring a dish to share with your sisters.  This will be a fun evening of food, friendship, and yes a little business.

The official evite with full details will be coming in your e-mail soon.  If you would like to join our group and are not yet on our e-mail distribution list please contact us for the meeting details.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Iota Chapter Prepares for Recruitment 2012!

Chris had an opportunity to visit Iota Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign during their Recruitment Work Week in August.  She critiqued their performance, helped make nametags, and brought them supplies they couldn't find in Champaign.  She had a great time getting to know the women of Iota Chapter.  They were very friendly and welcoming and appreciated having an alumna around to help.  We hope they caught a glimpse of how fun and rewarding alumnae status can be!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Another Garage Sale in the Books!

We raised $1,238.45 and donated our leftover items to Infant Welfare, Goodwill Industries, Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans, and Star Family Services!  A HUGE thank you goes to Karen F. for hosting and leading us as well as to all of the sisters who helped collect items, set-up, organize, work, sell, and clean-up our garage sale!
Chris A. 
Patti B.
Judie C.
Jeanne C.
Natalie G.
Debby J.
Ann K.
Dina K.
Amy M.
Chris M.
Yvonne O.
Julie O.
Gayle R.
Suzette R.
Natalie R.
Kathy S.
Lisa S.
Vicky S.
Fran T.
Jessie W-G.
Sharon W.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

It's Garage Sale Time!!

If you're anywhere near North Aurora, IL today or tomorrow (August 4 and 5), please stop by our garage sale on Holly Ct.  This is a huge fundraiser for us.  We have 15+ families worth of stuff.  Or if you've considered joining an alumnae chapter, we'd love to meet you!  Several of our sisters are working shifts throughout the weekend.

Sisterhood Retreat

Our first ever Sisterhood Retreat was everything we wanted it to be!  We relaxed, talked, laughed, and ATE!  We will definitely do this again!