Saturday, July 4, 2015

75th Anniversary Celebration

We held a very special 75th anniversary celebration in a private room at Drury Lane.  We were delighted to have so many past and present Chicago West sisters join us as well as sisters from other alumnae chapters celebrating with us.  We were honored to host Gayle Fitzpatrick, AOII Executive Board Member and newly elected AOII International President, as our guest speaker.  

So many sisters celebrated with us!

Past and present Chicago West sisters

Past and present Chicago West presidents

Thank you to the anniversary committee who planned such a lovely celebration!

Mary Lou and Peg are our two of our favorite historic members.

Our president, Sharon, starting things off

Our guest speaker, Gayle

Jessie made Gayle a gorgeous silver bracelet with a quote from Stella

Raffle prizes

Stella Library




Peg Crawford - Alumni Hall of Fame

On Saturday, May 2, 2015, our dear Iota sister and Past International President, Peg Crawford, was inducted into the University of Illinois Fraternity and Sorority Alumni Hall of Fame!

Peg telling stories in the library

Iota served a lovely luncheon in Peg's honor.

Peg accepting her award

Peg's Corsage

Peg's Badge

The Other Guys were fabulous!

Peg with all of the Iota sisters who joined her at her celebration

Peg and Ludacris' mom who was also an honored recipient

Peg and Chris M.

Ladies Night Out at Meson Sabika

Meson Sabika was the place to be on May 21.  It was so crowded we had to park on the lawn, and we're so thankful for our reservation!   What a lovely location for our annual Ladies Night Out!

Arthritis Walk 2015

Sharon and Vicky spent a lovely day with some of our South Suburban and Lake County sisterfriends at the Arthritis Walk.

2015 Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to our 2015 scholarship recipient, Needum Aniemeka!  Needum is a member of Phi Chi Chapter at the University of Chicago.

Sharon and Needum

Phi Chi's 30th Anniversary

Congratulations to Phi Chi Chapter on celebrating 30 years of sisterhood at the University of Chicago!

PIP Peg helped Phi Chi's founding sisters colonize.

Delta Rho Senior Tea

Some of our members attended Delta Rho Chapter's Senior Tea at DePaul University on June 7, 2015.  Our president, Sharon, was honored to assist with the ceremony as the seniors transitioned to alumnae.