Saturday, July 4, 2015

75th Anniversary Celebration

We held a very special 75th anniversary celebration in a private room at Drury Lane.  We were delighted to have so many past and present Chicago West sisters join us as well as sisters from other alumnae chapters celebrating with us.  We were honored to host Gayle Fitzpatrick, AOII Executive Board Member and newly elected AOII International President, as our guest speaker.  

So many sisters celebrated with us!

Past and present Chicago West sisters

Past and present Chicago West presidents

Thank you to the anniversary committee who planned such a lovely celebration!

Mary Lou and Peg are our two of our favorite historic members.

Our president, Sharon, starting things off

Our guest speaker, Gayle

Jessie made Gayle a gorgeous silver bracelet with a quote from Stella

Raffle prizes

Stella Library


