Thursday, August 1, 2013

2nd Annual Sisterhood Retreat

We held our Sisterhood Retreat at Fran's charming home in Wheaton on an unseasonably chilly Saturday.  It was such a refreshing time to relax with sisters, share stories of convention and summer activities, and enjoy super yummy food.  We enjoyed meeting Natalie G.'s mom and have Ogechi (Delta Rho) join us.  Thank you to everyone who came to the retreat, brought food, etc.  We missed those of you who couldn't be there and look forward to seeing you at our kick-off meeting in September. 

Karen F., Dina, Julie, Cat, and Jeanne
This is what it's all about - sitting and talking and eating!


Vicky, Kathy, and Ogechi (Delta Rho)

The sweets!

Our wonderful hostess, Fran, and Natalie G.

Jan and Patti

Fran's Fairy Garden