Sunday, May 19, 2024

Thank you to Kate Fleming for guiding us on a sisterhood walk and teaching us about Forest Therapy!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Last night we celebrated Ladies Night Out over a delicious Italian dinner!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Many thanks to all who participated and/or donated to this year's Strike Out Arthritis event. With your help we raised $1,550 for the Arthritis Foundation! This brings our yearly total, including the fall opportunity baskets, to $2,160. Thank you! Thank you!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Our last volunteer spotlight features Karen Hickman! Karen currently serves AOII as a member of the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee. Prior to her service on RT&J, Karen served as an Alumnae Chapter officer, on Phi Chi's Corporation Board, as a member of the Chicago Area Council, and as a CCAB advisor for the Delta Rho Chapter. Within her community she is an active volunteer. At the Salt and Light Coalition she has served as Treasurer, Secretary, and is responsible for onboarding volunteers. At City Church Chicago she has served on and/or lead some aspect of connections team, production team, ministry team, baptism team, anointing team, or prayer team. Karen also volunteers at the Ruben Salazar Elementary School where she is responsible for the planting and maintenance of the flower beds on school grounds.

Karen, thank you for all that you do for AOII and your community!