President - Chris Miller
VP Membership - Dina Kovarik
VP Programming - Ellen Whorwell
Treasurer - Fran Thompsen
Panhellenic/MIF - Jessie Wang-Grimm
Ways & Means - Amy McSwane
Sisterhood - Judie Corsello-Biedrzycki
Philanthropy - Judie Corsello-Biedrzycki
Recording Secretary - Debby Jacobs
Corresponding Secretary - Vicky Stumpf
Newsletter - Yvonne O'Connor
Webmaster - Joanne Vought
Directory - Sharon Weichman
Publicity - Vicky Stumpf
Historians - Karen Feinblatt and Lisa Snyder
Founders' Day - Ann Kissel
Thank you to everyone who served as an officer last year. We appreciate your dedication to AOII and our chapter. Roses to you!!